New study reveals potential impact of $15 minimum wage hike in Maryland – WBAL TV

Business owners, workers and lawmakers are backing a bill to raise the minimum wage to $15 by 2023.

This year, the “Fight For $15” effort is backed by a new study that reveals how many people would get a raise and how an increase in the minimum wage would help grow the state’s economy.

An analysis by the Economic Policy Institute and the Maryland Center on Economic Policy found that 573,000 workers would get a raise, 273,000 children would benefit from the increased family income,

90 percent of affected workers are at least 20 years old and workers potentially benefiting include one in four women and people of color, as well as 23,000 veterans.

“A family sustaining minimum wage would build greater economic security for hundreds of thousands of Maryland households, as well as boost business across our state through increased spending coming through their doors,” said Benjamin Orr, executive director of MDCEP.

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