Economic Analysis and Research Network

EARN LogoThe Economic Analysis and Research Network (EARN) is a network of state and regional multi-issue research, policy, and advocacy organizations. EARN’s mission is to improve the lives of Americans through state and local policy, and change the nature of the national policy debate—state by state. EARN seeks to advance progressive policy at the state and regional level, to deliver important national messages, and to use the collective capacity of its organizations to develop new ideas and strategies. The network currently includes 61 organizations in 44 states, and 26 national partners. EARN is coordinated by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) and works with a broad range of other national organizations.



Maryland Alliance for the Poor 

MAP Logo (screensot - large)The Maryland Alliance for the Poor is a coalition of service providers, faith groups, and other organizations working together to advocate for statewide public policies and programs that help Marylanders living in or near poverty.





Marylanders for Open Government

Marylanders for Open Government is a network of diverse organizations connected by a shared interest in demanding fair and open access to government-funded data and information. Members of the network include environmental and public health groups, good government groups, consumer advocates and social justice organizations.



State Priorities Partnership

SPP Logo with TaglineThe State Priorities Partnership is a network of more than 40 independent, nonprofit research and policy organizations around the country that conduct research, analysis, and advocacy on how states collect and spend taxpayer dollars. State governments raise and spend tax revenue in ways that profoundly affect families and communities. Choices states make about investing in schools, health care, child care, and other services can either help create opportunity and prosperity for people or hold them back. Organization that are part of the State Priorities Partnership work to reduce inequality and fight poverty by making sure states have the resources they need through an accountable budget process. The State Priorities Partnership is coordinated by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. List of partnership organizations




Welfare Advocates

wa-box-initialFounded over 35 years ago, Welfare Advocates is a statewide coalition of community-based organizations, advocacy groups, faith communities, and consumers, whose mission it is to educate ourselves and the wider community and to advocate for an adequate safety-net and public policies that support families moving to self-sufficiency. Welfare Advocates focuses its efforts on public education and advocacy. The coalition remains committed to identifying the needs and solutions for those who have left welfare for work and families who are struggling to leave public assistance. Its members include a diverse number of community-based social service providers, state and local agencies, employment programs, health care providers, various faith communities, and housing providers.