Housing is a big part of inequality in Washington. We need more housing, and more affordable housing, to fix it

“There’s a lot of inequality in our region, including housing, where low-wage households living farther out spend more time and money traveling than wealthier ones closer in. A new report quantifies these problems and recommends reforming zoning to build more housing, as well as expanding subsidized housing.

The report, from The Commonwealth Institute, DC Fiscal Policy Institute, and Maryland Center on Economic Policy, looks at many ways the recent economic growth in our region has helped higher-income individuals and families more than others.

Many reports on inequality from social justice organizations in the past have not included zoning among the policy tools to deal with housing affordability. It’s great to see TCI, DCFPI, and MDCEP agree that we need to do both: add more housing (and lots of it), and also explicitly ensure that some of that housing in all jurisdictions goes to people at many points along the economic spectrum.”
