Hogan outlines $480M in tax cuts over 5 years – WTOP

Gov. Larry Hogan has outlined plans for about $480 million in tax cuts over five years.

Hogan says the plan calls for tax breaks for new manufacturers who bring jobs to the state, retirees, small businesses and working families.

The Republican governor has a plan to give tax relief to senior citizens. He built his 2014 campaign almost entirely on bringing tax relief to residents and boosting economic development.

Benjamin Orr, Executive Director of the Maryland Center on Economic Policy, said the flaw in the senior citizen feature is that it doesn’t discriminate between seniors who may be well off, and those who are struggling to make ends meet.

 “The governor’s proposal is not income-based, it is only age-based, so it is not well targeted to help those seniors who truly are struggling to make ends meet,” Orr said.